Building Strong Business Foundations
"Taking a Personal Interest in Your Business Success"
What do you want to be doing and where do you want to do it?
Your Business and Your Investment...
Your Opportunities
Do you want to strengthen your organization for an exit / retirement, next generation transition, save the company from financial distress, rebuild creditor relationships, find trusted banking relationships?
Turn around expertise – When you are having trouble making payroll who do you call? We know how to make payroll, finding the cash to assist you to save your company. Ask your advisors or other consultants if they have been brought in on a Tuesday to make a payroll due on Thursday in the same week; we have!
Who We Are
A consulting firm which specializes and engages with a full range of challenging situations that you and your company may experience from time to time. Hire us when you need to build the foundations for growth, experience under performing or turnaround situations. Do you need Financing - bank or asset based loans? Investment Capital? Financial restructuring? Operating Issues? Technology Challenges?
Eric Mitchellette